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Poor concentration and forgetfulness in children

Poor concentration and forgetfulness in children
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Poor concentration and forgetfulness in children

Poor Focus

Many parents suffer from poor concentration of some of their children and a lot of forgetting, such as asking for a certain thing from the child, then bringing something else, or going back to the mother and asking her to repeat what she asked him for because he forgot what she told him, and often the children are very active while playing On the other hand, they are extremely lazy when retrieving any information they received before, and children suffer from poor concentration and forgetfulness as a result of many different reasons, and it can be controlled by some means and multiple methods.

Causes of poor concentration and forgetfulness in children

The problem of distraction and poor concentration in children is due to a number of reasons, namely:

Malnutrition and the child’s diet, as the lack of some minerals and vitamins negatively affects the child’s concentration and memory, as the child’s food must contain a good level of vitamins B, E, A, in addition to a lot of minerals and salts; Such as: calcium, iron, phosphorous, sulfur, potassium, folic acid, and omega 3.

Hormonal imbalance or gland secretion disorder, especially hypothyroidism and adrenal gland deficiency.

having problems absorbing some heavy metals; Ex: mercury and lead.

Stress and psychological trauma for a child can cause his memory to weaken. extreme fatigue

Excessive watching TV, and playing electronic games, they slow down the work of the brain, and thus cause distraction, forgetfulness, and poor concentration.

Too much or too little sleep.

Hunger and physical stress.

Treatment of poor concentration and forgetfulness in children

To treat poor concentration and forgetfulness in children, the following should be followed:

creating the right atmosphere for study; So that it is far from noise and disturbance, and provide appropriate lighting that does not strain the child’s eyes while studying.

Appropriate healthy nutrition, as the child’s daily food must contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals that the child’s body needs in the process of growth, so he needs a healthy and balanced diet.

Repetition, it is important for a child who suffers from forgetfulness and poor concentration as a result of distraction and inattention, as repetition of information facilitates effective retrieval.

Doing some exercise, it stimulates blood circulation in the body, improves and activates memory, and increases blood flow to the brain.

Getting enough sleep, and avoiding excessive sleep that causes memory inactivity.

Study time should not be after eating a heavy meal, so that the child can focus and avoid forgetfulness and lethargy.

Focus on playing games that rely on thinking and concentration.

Replace watching movies and cartoons with documentaries that develop and activate the brain.

Increasing the compliment and praise of the child a lot, especially in front of others.