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A mixture to strengthen memory in children

A mixture to strengthen memory in children
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A mixture to strengthen memory in children

Children’s memory impairment

Many children suffer from the problem of remembering information, especially after studying and memorizing, and this problem is the result of weakness in memory and the storage process, where they develop a state of anxiety and tension for fear of failure, so parents resort to consulting doctors and specialists to solve this problem, and natural mixtures are also an appropriate solution For this reason, we will mention in this article some mixtures to strengthen the memory of children.

Mixtures to strengthen memory in children

Honey and milk Honey is one of the natural substances that contribute to strengthening memory in children. This is because it contains the most important and necessary vitamins and minerals, and this mixture is prepared by placing two teaspoons of liquid honey in a cup of hot milk and moving the thread well until the ingredients overlap, and drinking a cup of this mixture once every day in the morning.

Boiled rosemary

Rosemary is one of the most important natural herbs that plays a major role in strengthening memory and treating many different diseases in a large way. This mixture can be applied by placing a cup of water in a large pot over medium heat and leaving it for five minutes until it warms up well, and adding two tablespoons. two small rosemary to it, mix them well using a wooden spoon, leave the mixture on a quiet heat for at least ten minutes until half the amount of water evaporates, then remove the pot from the fire and leave it aside for a third of an hour until it cools well, then filter it, and drink two cups of it during Today, once in the morning before breakfast, and once at night, about half an hour before bed.

Mint and honey

Mint is one of the best natural herbs that have a great ability to treat many different diseases; This is because it contains many important and useful minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to human health. It also contains disinfectants that eliminate all toxins, viruses, and bacteria accumulated in the body. It can be used by placing four teaspoons of green mint in a deep bowl, and adding four teaspoons of nigella and mix them well, add two teaspoons of natural honey and a tablespoon of ginger powder, mix all the ingredients, put the mixture in a cup of liquid solution, stir the ingredients again, and drink the resulting mixture early in the morning before eating breakfast.

Tips to improve memory in children

Accustom the child to exercise continuously daily.

Get enough sleep and rest during the day.

Make the child follow a useful and healthy diet that contains all the nutrients the body needs.