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New Memory Championship site

New Memory Championship site
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New Memory Championship site


First of all, thank you for visiting our website again, here are the updates on the site and with the links to reach them:

  • Profile of Sharper Memory Course for Kids- the primary stage: file link (19-11-2022)
  • Profile of Certified Trainer for Sharper Memory course for Kids: file link (11-10-2022)
  • Memory events are now available on smart tablets on the website: page link (10-07-2022)
  • Launching the Championships Statistics Portal on the website : page link (10-03-2022)
  • Return of the online training courses : page link (01-02-2022)
  • Launched registration for the Arabian Memory Championship 2022 online : page link (01-02-2022)
  • Launched registration for the Algerian Memory Championship 2022 online : page link (01-02-2022)
  • Launched registration for the Memory Championship for Universities 2022 online : page link (01-02-2022)
  • Launched registration for the Memory Championship for schools 2022 online : page link (01-02-2022)
  • Organization of three online memory championships (Schools, Universities, Arabian): (25/30-12-2022)
  • Launched registration for the Arabian Memory Championship 2021 online : page link (14-10-2021)
  • Launched registration for the Memory Championship for Universities 2021 online : page link (14-10-2021)
  • Launched registration for the Memory Championship for schools 2021 online : page link (14-10-2021)
  • Gate for Memory Certified Trainers: page link (07-05-2021)
  • Online Algeria Memory Championship 2021: page link (10-04-2021)
  • Experimental championship in the Gate of train your memory: page link (26-02-2021)
  • Night Mode in the Gate of train Your Memory: Page Link (22-02-2021)
  • Train your memory gate is launched in 8 international languages: Page link (09-02-2021)
  • Online Algerian Championship: Page link (05-02-2021)
  • New Gate for Memory Certified Trainers: (12-01-2021)
  • Add Dark mode to Articles on Library: (22-12-2020)
  • Day Life Memory videos: Page link (20-12-2020)
  • Excellence Studies Videos: Page link (20-12-2020)
  • Kids Memory Videos: Page link (20-12-2020)
  • Day Life Memory Articles: Page link (20-12-2020)
  • Excellence Studies Articles: Page link (20-12-2020)
  • Kids Memory Articles: Page Link (20-12-2020)