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Learning difficulties in children

Learning difficulties in children
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Learning difficulties in children

Learning difficulties in children

The low educational level of children is considered one of the most difficult problems that families may face, and people believe that this problem occurs as a result of the failure of the parents, the school, or the student himself, but in fact the causes of the problem are deeper than that.

Learning difficulties is a scientific term that describes a specific group of learning problems in children, and among the most important skills that may be affected by this problem: reading, writing, listening, speaking, and performing arithmetic operations, and this problem varies from person to person, where a child may suffer from problems In one of these skills, another child may have two problems together, while another child may have all of these problems together.

Signs of learning difficulties in children

There are signs of learning difficulties in children, including:

The child’s difficulty in learning the alphabet, word systems, linking letters, and the way they are pronounced.

Standing a lot in reading the words, and repeating the mistakes more than once.

The child does not understand the words he is reading.

The child has difficulty spelling words.

inability to write beautifully; As a result of not being able to hold the pen properly.

Speech pronunciation is late in life, and a limited number of vocabulary is available.

Having difficulty remembering the pronunciation of different letters.

Having trouble identifying different directions successfully.

Pronouncing words incorrectly, confusing similar words.

The inability to compose a beautiful useful to express what he wants.

Failure to differentiate between different arithmetic symbols, and also making mistakes when reading numbers.

The inability to tell a story in order, which makes it start in the middle or end of the story.

The child faces difficulty when starting a certain task, and also faces difficulty in continuing with this task.

Treatment of learning difficulties in children

It should be noted here that the problem of learning difficulties is not a disease, but rather a defect in the way the brain deals with information, so there is no definitive treatment for this problem, but there are many rehabilitation programs that can improve the problem and enable the child to learn better, and that Parents also have a major role in alleviating this problem, through the following:

Parents reading continuously about the problem of learning difficulties, in order to identify the foundations of training and the handling to be followed with the child.

Creating a strong relationship between the child and his teacher, in order to make the learning process easier for him.

Constant contact with the child’s school; In order to monitor the level of the child.