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How do I make my memory strong ?

How do I make my memory strong ?
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How do I make my memory strong ?

Natural ways to improve memory

There are some ways to improve memory, including:

Reducing sugar intake: Reducing the amount of sugar helps improve memory and general health, as its excess is linked to cognitive decline, which leads to poor memory, especially short-term.

Eating fish and taking fish oil supplements: Fish oil is rich in acids, especially omega-3, which has been proven to help strengthen memory in the elderly, especially short-term memory, and relieve stress and anxiety.

Practicing meditation: it helps reduce stress and pain, helps lower blood pressure, and improves short-term memory at all ages, from young adults, specifically young people, to adults.

Maintaining a healthy weight: Maintaining a healthy body makes the mind in a better condition, as obesity can cause changes in memory genes in the brain, and this may negatively affect memory.

Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep positively affects memory enhancement. Because sleep helps strengthen short memories and make them last.

Brain training: Brain games can be used as they are effective in enhancing memory, through a game of remembering words or using applications on the phone.

Reducing the amount of carbohydrates: It is preferable to reduce the amount of carbohydrates that enter the body by reducing the intake of cereals, cakes and rice, as a lot of them leads to damage to memory, and may lead to a rise in blood sugar, and this is linked to a decrease in cognitive function and the occurrence of dementia.

Maintaining the level of vitamin D in the body: Maintaining the level of vitamin D is linked to many health issues and cognitive functions in humans.

Exercising: It is beneficial for the brain and helps improve memory, as it increases the secretion of neuroproteins and improves the development of neurons, and it also helps reduce the risk of dementia.

Eat anti-inflammatory food: Food containing antioxidants may help reduce inflammation and improve brain health, as some antioxidants help prevent memory loss.

Eating turmeric: It helps reduce brain inflammation and helps enhance memory and prevent cognitive decline.

Eating cocoa: Cocoa contributes to providing some beneficial antioxidants for the brain that help stimulate the growth of nerve cells and blood vessels and increase blood flow in memory.

Ways to enhance memory

There are ways to enhance human memory, including:

Socializing with others: Socializing with others on a regular basis helps avoid stress and depression and prevent memory loss.

Take notes in a notebook: Chaos in life can always lead to forgetting, so it is important to write down tasks, appointments, and events in a special notebook in order to keep them in memory.

Managing chronic health problems: You must follow the doctor’s recommendations when there are chronic diseases such as high pressure, depression and others, as self-care leads to improving memory, and you must check the types of medications that some of them can affect.

Focus attention

It can help a person to strengthen his memory and focus by limiting his attention to the information to be remembered so that this information moves from short memory to long memory and remains in it, and this can be done by trying to study it and focus on it in places free of interruptions such as television, music and other things Things that can be distracting, it is preferable to set aside quiet periods and some space to focus on work.