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Signs of intelligence in two-year-olds

Signs of intelligence in two-year-olds
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Signs of intelligence in two-year-olds

At the age of two years, the child is distinguished by his mental, psychological and physical development. He is now able to move more efficiently than before. He is also aware of many things that were difficult for him, and the child at this age desires independence, and for this we find many mothers complaining that the child does not respond to what is requested. From him, he is in a stage where he likes to do what his thinking dictates, so dealing with a two-year-old needs patience, wisdom, and knowledge of the correct ways to direct his behavior for the better, provided that his personality is not blurred, but on the contrary, it must be developed to grow up a healthy-minded child. behavior as well.

Signs of intelligence in two-year-olds

When the child reaches the age of two years, he is able to play better, and his signs of intelligence may become clear through play, in addition to the following signs:

The ability to distinguish animals from humans.

The ability to distinguish different tools, as he now knows that these tools are for food, and those tools are for toys.

Develops his memory, so that he is able to remember certain situations.

distinguish between some concepts; Like the difference between big and small.

The ability to distinguish shapes, and arrange colors in puzzle games, for example, that a normal child installs four pieces of cubes of different colors, but a smart child can install six pieces in the order that is asked of him, and maybe a little more.

Memorize more words and construct sentences better than his peers.

The many questions he asks the parents, and this expresses his vast imagination and intelligence.

Boldness is in situations that most children are ashamed of.

The ability to count numbers, and memorize the meanings of some words from other languages, such as English.

Love playing with musical instruments, ability to play well.

A study on the intelligence of a two-year-old child

An American newspaper published the result of an experiment conducted in front of two-year-olds, and the experiment was based on the idea of ​​distributing biscuits and cups of milk unevenly to some people, which drew the attention of some two-year-olds, and this confirmed to the researchers that these children are smart Higher than other children, as understanding the idea of ​​parity or dividing things in an equal way is one of the things that most children find difficult to distinguish at this age.

How to maintain a child’s intelligence

In order for the child to maintain his intelligence at this stage, parents should pay attention to this aspect and develop it in their child, and keep the child away from electronic games in all its forms, or allow them to play them in limited times; This is due to its negative impact on the development of their intelligence and skills.