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Kids Memory Articles

Kids Memory Articles

Short Term & Long Memory for Kids

Short Term & Long Memory for Kids

Your child may surprise you with her ability to recall information during story-time, or a memory of an event that happened when she was a toddler. This type of recall isn’t unusual for many children living in homes where parents encourage learning memory skills. Research reported by Penn ...

List to Improve Your Child’s Memory

List to Improve Your Child’s Memory

One of the most exciting areas is brain-based memory research we now have is neuroimaging and brain-mapping studies to view the working brain as it learns. These memory tips are derived from my background as a neurologist. I review the neuroimaging research. I then use my experience as a classroom ...

Improve Memory Skills

Improve Memory Skills

When I ask my 6-year-old son, William, about his day at school, he often replies, “I forgot.” Even when I ask him leading questions like “What did you do in gym today?” he usually draws a blank. He’s not being uncommunicative; he simply can’t remember. It’s ...

Developing Your Child’s Memory

Developing Your Child’s Memory

The sound of a familiar lullaby, sung by his mother in the middle of the night, made 4-month-old Max stop crying. “His face relaxed, and he smiled,” says Nancy Wechsler-Azen, of Fair Lawn, NJ. “I think that even though he was so young, he recognized this little song, and that I ...

Activities for Memory Recall in Young Children

Activities for Memory Recall in Young Children

Although memory is not directly related to speech, children with language impairments can frequently struggle to recall information. This is particularly true in cases where speech difficulties are due to a cognitive impairment. By incorporating various fun activities into sessions, speech ...