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Memory booster recipe

Memory booster recipe
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Memory booster recipe


Many people suffer from the problem of poor memory and forgetfulness, which affects their lives, as this leads to them forgetting many important things, such as some appointments, the time to take medicines, or some important occasions, which affects social relationships, and others, and it is necessary to Noting that it is possible to strengthen, activate and improve memory by following many easy and natural recipes, which we will introduce you to in this article.

Memory booster recipe

Ginger Put 55 g of ground ginger in a bowl, then add 50 g of black bean and 50 g of frankincense, mix them well, then add a kilo of honey, knead it, and eat half a tablespoon of it daily before each breakfast.

Rosemary Two teaspoons of dried rosemary are placed in a cup of boiling water, then left for five minutes, filtered, then sweetened with honey, and eaten daily for several weeks.

Nigella sativa: Put half a tablespoon of nigella in a bowl, add a little honey, then mix them well, and eat the mixture twice daily for several weeks.

Other recipes

Raisins: Twenty-one raisins are taken every morning.

Honey: A quantity of honey is taken on an empty stomach, or by dissolving it in a glass of water, then eating it an hour before eating.

White pepper: It is put on the plates of many food dishes.

Cinnamon: Drink a cup of cinnamon drink sweetened with honey.

Frankincense: Put two teaspoons of frankincense in a glass of water, leave it for three hours, and then eat it daily. Walnuts: It is eaten in sufficient quantities daily. Yeast: Put two teaspoons of yeast in a glass of water, mix them well, and then eat it.

Ginger: Put an amount of ginger in a pot of water, boil it, then add two teaspoons of honey, mix it well, and eat it three times a week.

Chocolate: One chocolate bar is eaten three times a week.

Memory booster tips

Eat foods rich in many vitamins, such as folic acid, vitamin A, and minerals, such as calcium, iron, and others. Avoid eating foods rich in harmful fats, and replace them with foods rich in beneficial fats, such as fish.

Playing some memory-stimulating games, such as crossword puzzles.

Doing many exercises that contribute to the activation of brain cells, such as yoga.

Sleeping enough time, which is equivalent to seven hours a day.

Stay away from psychological stress.