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How do I activate my brain ?

How do I activate my brain ?
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How do I activate my brain ?

The Mind

A term usually used to describe the higher functions of the human brain, which is a mental ability that distinguishes man from other creatures, and the location of the mind is the brain. It controls human emotions, and the brain is primarily responsible for human activity, sending electrical signals to the rest of the body.

Types of mind

The mind is divided into two parts:

Conscious or apparent mind: It is that part of the human brain that is able to perceive people, time, and place, and receive information through the senses, so it analyzes, synthesizes, concludes, and manages 5-10% of the body’s functions.

The unconscious or subconscious mind: It is the one that contains the internal stimuli for behavior, and based on which the human personality is formed, and it manages 90-95% of the functions of the body.

Steps to activate the mind

Mind activation steps:

Choosing a healthy food rich in vitamins necessary for the body and brain, eating more vegetables and fruits, avoiding ready-made fast food, and eating more foods containing omega-3 fats, which are found in white meat such as fish, legumes, and nuts such as nuts. Get enough sleep, as lack of sleep makes the brain not work at its full capacity, sleep helps the brain to relax and focus.

Doing exercise, Exercising increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, and helps blood flow to the brain, which helps increase its activity.

Practicing mental exercises and mental games that challenge the human mind increases its activity, and therefore it is recommended to do some mental exercises; Such as solving puzzles and crossword puzzles, doing math problems and reading, and learning new skills such as learning a new language, all of this helps to activate the mind.

Avoid stress and psychological pressure, as psychological stress leads to the destruction of the nerve cell, and one of the ways to overcome psychological stress is meditation for short periods daily, or what is known as yoga, where meditation helps to overcome psychological pressure and improves the ability to focus, creativity, and thinking.

Controlling anger and emotion, as emotion harms the health of the brain and kills its cells, as studies have shown that an increase in the stress hormone leads to problems and difficulty in remembering and learning.

Working on forming social relationships with others from various fields and cultures, as this stimulates the mind and increases emotional intelligence as well.

Dedicate time to have fun with family members and friends. Successful relationships with family and close people are considered the best tonic exercise for the brain, and one of the successful ways to activate the mind and memory through social activities, such as joining the club to see friends.